About Us

We desire to practically demonstrate genuine compassion and care for refugee claimants who arrive in our community with immense needs that can be easily met when someone chooses to be their good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-35).  

We operate one-stop centres where refugee claimants are housed and supported to succeed as new immigrants. 


Samaritan House Ottawa is a welcome haven where refugee claimants begin their journey to thrive in Canada.


Samaritan House Ottawa is a faith-based non-profit that contributes to poverty alleviation by empowering refugee claimants to succeed as new immigrants.  We do this by operating a one-stop service centre where they can get a bed, food, and settlement support in a safe familial atmosphere.


Faith-based: We desire to be the good Samaritan and show genuine practical compassion to the people we serve (Luke 10:33)

Human dignity: we treasure each person we encounter in our quest to serve the vulnerable and accord them the respect they deserve, affirming their inherent worth as members of the human family. 

Environment conscious: we practice and encourage eco-friendly behaviour that contributes to sustainable development by promoting recycling, and waste reduction.

Community: we help the people we serve to thrive as connected, empowered, and successful members of our community. We do this by partnering with other organisations in the community to empower our clients to succeed.

Integrity: we uphold high standards of integrity being true to our values and accountable to our partners.